Gilead (Gili) Sher is an Israeli lawyer, scholar, expert on, and practitioner of, Israeli negotiations with the Palestinians. He was Prime Minister Ehud Barak’s chief negotiator between 1999 and 2001. Now he directs the Center for Applied Negotiations at Israel’s Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) in Tel Aviv.
APN’s acting CEO Aviva Meyer joined Ori Nir for a conversation with Sher on February 15th, 2019 at Georgetown University's government Department, where Sher is now the Goldman Visiting Professor.
We addressed the impact of the diplomatic impasse between Israelis and Palestinians, and what can be done to pave the road to a two-state solution in the absence of formal negotiations over a comprehensive peace accord.
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Sher’s bio:
The INSS plan:
The Blue and White Future’s plan:
A West Bank map showing possible land swaps: