A recording of a December 22nd 2020 webinar with Anders Persson, a professor at Linnaeus University in Sweden, an expert on the European Union's policy on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Persson has written four books on this topic. His fourth was just published. It’s titled EU Diplomacy and the Israeli-Arab Conflict, 1967–2019.
Write to Ori: onir@peacenow.org
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A conversation with Vera Baboun, the former mayor of Bethlehem (2012-2017) about the challenges facing her town this Christmas season, and about peace: the yearning for peace, and the prospects for peace between Israelis and Palestinians.
Mayor Baboun's Wikipedia entry: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vera_Baboun
Contact Ori Nir: onir@peacenow.org
Donate to APN: https://peacenow.org/donate
Dr. Ashrawi discusses the Palestinian perspective on the transition and examined the state of US-Palestinian relations after Donald Trump’s four years in the White House. She commented on the Palestinian leadership’s efforts to push the reset button on the relationship with the US as President-elect Biden prepares to enter the Oval Office next month, and the Palestinian expectations from the Biden administration. Toward the end of the conversation, she shared some thoughts on what motivated her to resign from the Executive Committee of the PLO.
Hagit Ofran of Peace Now’s Settlement Watch Project, is one of the world’s leading experts on the subject. In this webinar, she examined the Trump administration’s legacy regarding settlements and what the Biden administration will need to do to reverse Trump’s radical shift from America’s traditional policy on this issue.
This webinar is part of APN's series on the Israel-Palestine implications of the transition from the Trump administration to president-elect Biden’s administration.
A recording of a webinar with Yossi Alper, one of Israel’s leading strategic affairs analysts, addressing how the transition from Trump to Biden is viewed in Israel, how dealing with a Biden administration might alter Israeli government policies and priorities, and how Israel’s conservative government would adapt to a worldview diametrically opposed to Trump’s and very different from Netanyahu’s.
This webinar was a part of APN's series examining the Middle East policy impact of transitioning from the Trump administration to the Biden administration.
Contact Ori Nir: onir@peacenow.org
Donate to APN: https://peacenow.org/donate
Dahlia Scheindlin is an Israel-based public opinion expert and an international political and strategic consultant, as well as a scholar and a writer.
She is also a podcaster. Her latest project is a mini-series of podcast episodes on West Bank settlements, titled Israeli Settlements 360: What Everyone Needs to Know.
On this episode, Dahlia talks about her takeaways from producing the series.
Here is the link to the podcast series: https://open.spotify.com/show/4NG1pkSYlOWcrwaEbbHoOZ
To write to Ori: onir@peacenow.org
To donate to APN: https://peacenow.org/donate
Palestinians don’t see Joe Biden as a savior. Far from it. But the end of the demise of the Trump administration, the worse period ever in US-Palestinian relations, is viewed by many Palestinians as an opportunity to push the reset button not only on their relations with Washington but also on intra-Palestinian politics. Discussing Palestinian policy and the Biden administration is Khaled Elgindy, formerly with the Brookings Institute and now the Director of the Program on Palestine and Palestinian-Israeli Affairs at the Middle East Institute here in Washington. He is also the author of Blind Spot: America and the Palestinians, from Balfour to Trump. He has been a guest on episode #78 of PeaceCast in April 2019.
Elizabeth Campbell is director of UNRWA’s Representative Office in Washington, D.C.
Prior to joining UNRWA, Campbell was the senior humanitarian policy advisor in the Bureau of International Organization Affairs at the U.S. Department of State, where she worked on refugee and humanitarian issues in the United Nations system.
In this episode, Campbell discusses the reasons for UNRWA's current budgetary crisis, since the Trump administration defunded the agency, and expresses hope for re-funding UNRWA under the Biden administration.
Relevant links:
* The range of UNRWA services: https://www.unrwa.org/what-we-do
* A map of our where UNRWA operates in the region: https://www.unrwa.org/resources/about-unrwa/unrwa-fields-operations-map-2020
* Misconceptions about UNRWA: https://www.unrwa.org/who-we-are/frequently-asked-questions
An APN webinar featuring Mira Resnick and Ilan Goldenberg to analyze the general election results and what they mean for America's Middle East policy.
Gadi Gvaryahu is the founder and Chairman of Tag Meir.
His organization's web site: https://www.tag-meir.org.il/en/
Shortly after the eruption of the second intifada, a veteran senior Israeli intelligence officer, Brig. Gen. (Res.) Yossi Ben-Ari, was appointed to examine whether PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat had planned in advance to ignite the violent flames and actually did so.
His conclusions: Arafat did not. His report was never shared with Israeli decision makers, and the narrative regarding Arafat's role in "launching" the second intifada became a part of the fabric of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict's set of conventional wisdoms.
A link to Ben-Ari's Haaretz article (Hebrew): https://www.haaretz.co.il/opinions/.premium-1.9184053
Contact Ori: onir@peacenow.org
Donate to APN: https://peacenow.org/donate
Rafi Nets-Zehngut’s new book (currently in Hebrew only) focuses on the collective memory among Israeli Jews of the question of the Palestinian exodus from Palestine during the 1948 war, the war that Israeli Jews refer to as the War of Independence and that the Palestinians refer to as the Naqba, the catastrophe.
One of his most intriguing and surprising findings is that the biased “official” Zionist narrative regarding this experience has been challenged in Israel and then lost its grounding much earlier than one may think.
How did this happen? Why is it important? How may it impact efforts to advance peace and reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians?
Dr. Nets-Zehngut addresses these questions and others in this episode of PeaceCast.
Eran Singer covers Arab affairs for Israel Television Channel 11 and for Israel Radio Kan Reshet Bet, Israel’s public broadcast services.
His most recent project was a TV news series on the status of the Arabic language in Israel, among Israeli Jews, and the way in which Arabic is taught in Israeli schools.
This episode discusses this topic.
Questions? Comments? Email onir@peacenow.org
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This is a slightly edited version of an August 27th 2020 APN webinar.
Daoud Kuttab is a Palestinian journalist and a media activist, a leading independent analyst and commentator on current events, and an activist working to advance the freedom of the press in the Arab world. He is currently the director general of the Community Media Network (CMN), a nonprofit media organization dedicated to advancing independent media in the Arab world.
Yossi alpher is the author of Hard Questions, Tough Answers, APN’s weekly analysis of political and strategic affairs. Now an independent security analyst, Alpher is the former director of the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University, a former senior official with the Mossad, and a former IDF intelligence officer.
In this episode, he assesses the various aspects of the Israel-United Arab Emirates normalization deal.
In a rare decision, Israel's Supreme Court accepted the petition of a Palestinian family against an IDF order to punitively demolish its West Bank home. Jessica Montell, the executive director of the Israeli human rights organization Hamoked, which helped file the petition, talks about the case and about the doctrine and practice of house demolitions in the West Bank.
Hamoked's web site: http://www.hamoked.org/home.aspx
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Michael Sfard is one of Israel’s leading human rights lawyers and the legal counsel of Peace Now (Shalom Achshav) and of the organization Yesh Din.
Yesh Din recently commissioned Sfard to prepare a legal opinion on whether the current situation in the West Bank, the occupation -- regardless of Israel’s intention to de-jure annex parts of the West Bank -- can be defined as Apartheid. Michael issued a report titled “The Occupation of the West Bank and the Crime of Apartheid: Legal Opinion."
In this episode, a version of an August 10th 2020 webinar, Sfard talks about his report and what it means.
Eran Nissan is a key orgnizer and activist in the current Anti-Netanyahu, anti-corruption and pro-democracy protest movement in Isreal. He is a former staff member of Peace Now, and currently works for Mehazkim, a progressive Israeli activist nonprofit.
What is the role of the Israeli peace movement in the broader context of the protest movement? What opportunity does this mass protest movement grant to the Israeli peace camp to advance its advocacy? Does the protest movement open a door to highlight the relationship between the occupation and the erosion of democracy in Israel?
Eran addresses this and other questions.
Eran's story on a past PeaceCast episode
David Pollock’s new book, A Nation Divided – Palestinian Views on War and Peace with Israel is an analysis of many years of surveying Palestinians' attitudes regarding their relationship with Israel.
Pollock's book on the web site of the Washington Institue for Near East Policy
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This episode is an edited version of a July 23rd 2020 webinar with Peace Now's Hagit Ofran, one of the leading authorities on West Bank settlements and on settlements in East Jerusalem.
Her recent report, Annex and Dispossess, documents the way in which Israeli authorities have been using the Absentee Property Law to transfer Palestinian real estate in East Jerusalem to settlers. The report points out ways in which Israel's government could emulate this method to dispossess Palestinians of their land and homes in the West Bank once parts of the West Bank are annexed to Israel.
New Story Leadership is a program that every summer brings to Washington five Israelis and five Palestinians for a program aimed at empowering young leaders who will advance mutual Israeli-Palestinian understanding, tolerance and peace.
Americans for Peace Now has partnered with NSL since its inception, more than ten years ago.
This year, due to COVID-19, the Israeli and Palestinians who were chosen for this summer’s program had to stay home and participate in the program virtually, online. They will travel to DC, COVID permitting, next summer.
In past years, we brough NSL delegates to PeaceCast. This episode is a COVID-era attempt to bring NSL’s voices to you, PeaceCast’s listeners. It’s an opportunity to listen to young Israelis and Palestinians who are acting, separately and together, to build bridges between their communities and to forge hope for a better future.
An APN July 10th 2020 webinar with Peter Beinart on his pivoting away from the two-state paradigm.
An edited version of a webinar with Lara Friedman and Danny Seidemann on West Bank annexation.
Lara Friedman is the president of the Foundation for Middle East Peace. She joined FMEP in 2017 after a long career at APN as its director of policy and government relations.
Daniel Seidemann is an Israeli attorney specializing in Israeli-Palestinian relations, with an emphasis on Jerusalem. He is the founder and director of Terrestrial Jerusalem, an NGO that works towards a resolution to the question of Jerusalem that is consistent with the two-state solution.
After 16 years in the Knesset, including six years as chairperson of Israel’s Meretz party, Zehava Galon is back to human rights activism as the President of Zulat for Equality and Human Rights, a new Israeli activist think tank.
(Photo credit: Ronen Ackerman)