Jawad Siam is a resident of East Jerusalem's Silwan neighborhood. A settler organization pushed out his family members from a portion of his home by establishing ownership in court. Now the settlers are applying pressure on Siam to leave the rest of the house. Thier cruel, Kafkaesque ploy: forcing him to pay back rent for years of living in his own home.
More on Siam's case in this Haaretz story: https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/palestinians-jerusalem-israel-silwan-brutal-reality-1.9701623
A link to Siam's legal defense fund: https://secure.nif.org/86OYO-rBsUCO_mAeztMCiQ2
A Peace Now report on Siam's court cases: https://peacenow.org.il/en/after-24-year-legal-battle-court-permits-settler-takeover-of-siyam-family-home-in-silwan